Ana Chavarria Ana Chavarria

Jesús Sana a la Mujer Encorvada en el Día de Reposo

Dieciocho años… quién le dijo? cómo supo? Es como si él, al verla en su sección, pudo ver atra vez de su vida y sentir el peso de cada día por dieciocho años. La vida le cambió por completo! Salió de ahí caminando erguida y felíz viendo al cielo y apreciando los colores del mundo.

LUCAS 13: 10-17
“Enseñaba Jesús en una sinagoga en el día de reposo…”

Ay y ahora qué va hacer?
Me digo a mi misma entre risas.

Fueron muchas veces en las que Jesús rompió el “protocolo” para sanar o ayudar a alguien. En este pasaje, Jesús está enseñando en la sinagoga en el día de reposo. En lo que el aún está enseñando, ve a una mujer “que tenía espíritu de enfermedad, y andaba encorvada, en ninguna manera se podía enderezar.” Jesús está a punto de romper las reglas de quién, qué, cuándo, y dónde… 

Era Día de Reposo, y había una mujer.

Al verla seguramente entre la gente y hasta escondida detrás de alguna estructura de la sinagoga, Jesús la llamó. Delante de los líderes de la sinagoga, de hombres conocedores de la ley, de sus propios adversarios, y delante de todo el pueblo, Jesús interrumpió su enseñanza y llamó a la mujer.

Jesús al llamarla, rompió la regla de dónde

La mujer, estando en el área apartada asignada para las mujeres, siguió el llamado de Jesús. Esto implicaba salirse de su zona permitida, cruzar por en medio del mar de hombres, y tomar su lugar donde Jesús la estaba esperando: al frente y en el centro de la sinagoga. 

“Cuando Jesús la vio, la llamó y le dijo: Mujer, eres libre de tu enfermedad. Y puso las manos sobre ella; y ella se enderezó luego, y glorificaba a Dios.”

Jesús no mencionó la fe de la mujer al sanarla, pero no nos equivoquemos en cuestionarlo- la mujer tuvo que haber tomado varios pasos de fe para caminar en medio de la prohibida multitud de hombres para ver y acercarse a Aquél que la vio primero. 

El quién, qué, cuándo, y dónde de este milagro enfureció al principal de la sinagoga. Cegado por su afán de cumplir la ley, no vio el milagro frente a sus ojos- una mujer librada de su atadura podía finalmente levantar su cabeza y su mirada para ver a Jesús a los ojos. 

El principal de la sinagoga, citó la ley inmediatamente: “Seis días hay en que se debe trabajar; en estos, pues, venid y sed sanados, y no en día de reposo.” (Ex 20:9-10; Dt 5:13-14)

Mientras los demás líderes asentaban con su cabeza a la cita de su pasaje favorito (seguro jaja). Jesús respondió con firmeza: “Hipócrita!” AL PRINCIPAL DE LA SINAGOGA (oseaaaa) “…cada uno de vosotros ¿no desata en el día de reposo su buey o su asno del pesebre y lo lleva a beber?” 

Me imagino que antes de continuar, rodeó a la mujer con su brazo, “Y a esta hija de Abraham, que Satanás había atado dieciocho años, ¿no se le debía desatar de esta ligadura en el día de reposo?”

Cierro los ojos. 
Puedo sentir el ambiente.

Al terminar Jesús de decir estas cosas, “se avergonzaban sus adversarios.” Y casi puedo ver a la mujer, que levantando sus ojos al rostro de Jesús, que aún la tiene abrazada, confirma  para siempre en su corazón que Jesús es su Salvador. Dieciocho años… quién le dijo? cómo supo? Es como si él, al verla en su sección, pudo ver a través de su vida y sentir el peso de cada día por dieciocho años. 

La vida le cambió por completo! Salió de ahí caminando erguida y felíz viendo al cielo y apreciando los colores del mundo.

Abro mis ojos y veo las copas de los árboles verdes de un día de verano en Memphis. Pienso en aquello que me ha encorvado por bastante tiempo, me da vergüenza esa parte de mi, y me escondo detrás de cualquier superficialidad. 

Pero el llamado de amor de Jesús, un amor incuestionable, me levanta para salir de este escondite lleno de inseguridades y desconfianza, y me saca para enderezarme y levantar mi cabeza. El no requiere que me enderece antes de venir a El. El me ama y me quiere al frente y en el centro de su presencia asi como soy

Levanto mis ojos al cielo azul y susurro cómo sabías? Cómo sabías que hoy me era necesario entender esto?


Basado en el plan de lectura de YOU VERSION: NEVER LESS THAN. 

Un plan basado en pasajes donde Jesús levanta a la mujer y le da un lugar que era, en ese tiempo, inaceptable e imposible.

Si lo leen, me dicen y talves podamos conversarlo! =)

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Ana Chavarria Ana Chavarria

Story of Tears

I've always knew this day would come... The most lonely day on earth. The day where the tears constantly flow and have no shoulder to dry its anxieties.

I've always knew this day would come...

The most lonely day on earth. The day where the tears constantly flow and I have no shoulder to dry its anxieties. The day where everything lacked, but Nothing lacked at the same time 'cause I had Your Hand over and underneath; inside and in between!

My hope is in You and You alone. I blindly trust Your Love, for You have showed me Your unconditional care. Your eyes looking at me are enough to stand above the waves and live for Your embrace. And if I'm going to fall, let me fall the closest to your feet. Let your power be real to overcome my own flesh.

One thing I have learned—the more I have, the less I am. I got nothing without you.  Be my all; my world; my universe. I trust you everything. Hide me forever in Your eternal-loving eyes. Kiss my heart and I'll leap for joy! I no longer live for myself, but to see You face to face everyday. 

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

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Ana Chavarria Ana Chavarria

Why I Struggled to be Real in Church

Church is supposed to be the place we feel secure and accepted. But the reality is often different.

Church is supposed to be the place we feel secure and accepted. But the reality is often different. Many of us struggle to be ourselves in the church because we fear being judged.

As a pastor’s kid, I went through really tough times because people expected perfection from me. And sometimes, this led to unhelpful and unkind comments being made.

“That’s not very ‘Christian’.”
“He/she doesn’t behave like a pastor’s kid.”
“He/she doesn’t serve in the church.”
“He/she is always playing video games.”
“She is always hanging out with that boy!”

On my own part, I thought that if I was not perfect enough, people would think that my dad was not a good pastor.

Being the eldest of three girls, I constantly felt the pressure to do things right or the godly way. I was taught that as the firstborn, I should set an example for my siblings—even my sisters expected me to only do “the right things”. But as they grew up, I could see them struggling with the same pressures I faced.

Many eyes were watching and closely following everything I did or said. I had to be extremely careful to not say anything that could be misunderstood or taken the wrong way. There were times that I would express my opinion on something and then someone would jump in and say something like, “Oh, I can’t believe the pastor’s daughter just said that!” It bothered me because I knew that if one of my friends had said the same thing, nobody would have thought it was weird.

So for many years, I hid my true self when I was in church. Instead of being the loud and spontaneous self I was, I was really quiet and never expressed my opinion in public. Everything I did was to please the people. There were times where I didn’t agree with some people on what they were doing or how they were managing things, but I stayed silent because I didn’t want them to think I was being disrespectful.

It was painful and exhausting to live that way, and I was constantly wrestling with these thoughts:  “What would they think if I say this or that?” “What would people say if they find out that I listen to secular music?” “Would they stumble in their faith if I’m not in church this Sunday?”

One night, I was reading my Bible and came across this verse: “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)

It immediately struck me that the way I was behaving was simply to please people and not God, even though He should be the only One I ought to focus on serving and pleasing. Although I knew that all along, that night, that verse reminded me that I was not doing that. When I came to this realization, I felt a huge burden lifted off my shoulders.

From then on, I started to live my life with liberty, knowing that God and His Word makes me free. I started to live and enjoy life to the fullest and for God’s glory. I started reading my Bible more—not to impress the people, but because I knew it pleased God and because I needed it. I also “let go” of myself, and became more joyful and unafraid to joke with people. I began to open my heart and speak my mind to others.

Of course, this evoked different reactions. While some felt I was being too unrestrained, others started opening up to me because they saw the real me—someone who fails but is always ready to get up again, someone who is not perfect but is constantly pursuing the perfect One.

While some felt I was being too unrestrained, others started opening up to me because they saw the real me—someone who fails but is always ready to get up again, someone who is not perfect but is constantly pursuing the perfect One.  I stopped caring about what people said about me or not.

Please do not misunderstand me. I am not saying that I started to do whatever I wanted with no fear of anything. I just started to be myself with others in the church.

If you’re going through the same thing today, may I encourage you go back to seeking God wholeheartedly? After all, if you keep living for the people, you will never feel satisfied. You will never totally please them. Instead of living in bondage to that, live for Him.

Article written for YMI

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Ana Chavarria Ana Chavarria

Advice To My Future Self

Wherever you are right now, just remember—don’t turn back!

Dear future Self, 

    Wherever you are right now, just remember—don’t turn back! Renew your strength in your experiences and inspiration. Be bold to keep trying new things and going on adventures.

     Do not recall the past. Sometimes this requires to not go to certain places or do things that will remind you of old wounds. That’s why you need to decide to walk on a new path as you build new memories and the old ones get buried. 

     Do not forget how you want to stand out in everything—to not be like everybody else. Go against the current of this world and stand for what you believe with no fear of what others might think. 

     Keep your old dreams and aspirations, but don’t let them limit yourself from aiming higher. Keep them like a girl keeps her secret journal—fondly in a place where is hidden from everybody else but herself. Let them be a reminder of who you are and who you want to be. Do not be surprised if some of those dreams start to seem silly or small. That only means that you are growing as a person and that you are not afraid of going beyond your boundaries. It is actually a good sign! BUT don’t throw them away.

     Aiming for the impossible is not ridiculous! Don’t tell yourself that! Dare to sail on that sea because only a few people are brave like that. You will be amazed at all the adventures waiting for you at the ‘Impossible’. Dare to dream like that. Don’t let anything stop you from being the girl you are. Live after your happiness and take with you every experience and adventure. 

Please, don’t stop noticing the “little” things that you love so much—like the wind on your face, the leaves falling around you, the beautiful blue sky, the smell of the rain, the peace at midnight, the laugh of a friend, a kiss on your forehead, etc. All of these things are what you need to keep you at ease and on the right path. 

     Love like there is no “next time.” It will make you the happiest person in the world. Love with no rules; no boundaries. Give a hand to whoever needs it. Lift up whoever doesn’t have strength to do it by himself/herself. Show love to the world wherever you go and that happiness will make you shine. 

     Lastly, don’t be afraid of being vulnerable. Believe or not, there is a whole new world that will open only to those willing to be vulnerable in this superficial world. It is so worth it! But you’ll find that out by yourself.


Your Future Self

P.S. Keep doing the To-do lists! You’d be lost without them! 

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